Friday, December 20, 2013

Ducks Standing up and Sticking together in FAITH!

I am not homophobic.  I have friends who are gay.  I have always said on the issue of gay marriage that it is not our place as Christians to set forth what is legal and illegal for the rest of the country.  We should be working to spread the Gospel and give the message to those who struggle with sin and help them to see God and with his help climb out of the sin.  I have always felt that if we yell at them they are going to hell and there lifestyle is wrong that we cannot then turn around in the same sentence and invite them to church proclaiming we love them.

I still believe it is not our part as Christians to set laws into place that will only push them from the message, but I believe somewhere in this process I have missed and others as well the need to voice our beliefs or at least not be afraid of them.  Mr. Robertson was crude yes, but he has not backed down from his faith.  He has pointed out quite clearly what he believes and what the Bible says.  I do believe we as a nation have become way to politically correct.  We have overcompensated and now have taken being politically correct to ridiculous even sinful levels.  In our attempt to be politically correct we have back down or allowed things to happen so as not to rock the boat.  Jesus rocked boats.  Jesus flipped tables.  Jesus set the record straight and told it like it was.

In a recent statement from the Duck Dynasty family they stated they were sticking together, and were not sure the current future of the show.  They rallied behind their patriarch saying they support him and that the Bible is the Bible and they are believers.  They make no apologies for their faith and do not cherry pick the parts of the Bible that work best for them, but accept it as the word of God and abide by it.  What would it look like if the rest of us stood by it as well?  What would it look like if we as Christians participated in a little more straight talk?

I am not saying we should go out and be offensive, but we should also not bow out of conversations, be vague, or hold our tongues on some topics.  I don’t want a war, but it feels like there already is a war of cultures going on, and many times we are choosing not to engage and our faith and beliefs are becoming casualties.  I want us to stand up for ourselves and our God, stick together, and stay strong.  I will leave you with an old Hymn.

        Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

        with the cross of Jesus going on before.

        Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;

        forward into battle see his banners go!


        Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

        with the cross of Jesus going on before.


        At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;

        on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!

        Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;

        brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.



        Like a mighty army moves the church of God;

        brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.

        We are not divided, all one body we,

        one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.



        Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,

        but the church of Jesus constant will remain.

        Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;

        we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail.



        Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,

        blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.

        Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,

        this through countless ages men and angels sing.

By: Chris Gates

Roughing it in Florida!

Interterm is full of trips ,and today we would like to talk about another trip.  The Florida Ecology trip happens once every four years and is a wonderful experience and for all who participate.  Professor Mike Craig sets out on a journey with a number of students, a van, and some hardcore tents.  There will be no fancy hotels or luxury buses for this crew.  They will be roughing it.  They will hike, swim, climbing, camp, and make many of their meals around a camp fire. 

Now, I must admit if I was planning a vacation this would not be my first thought.  However, these rough and tough students are not on vacation, but there to study ecology.  They will be learning about natural environments and animals.  The highlight for many I am sure will be a quick trip to the Florida Keys, where they will swim with the fishes and investigate the beautiful shells they find around the beach.  Professor Craig said that many of the students enjoy creating a shell collection.

The trip holds the possibility of excitement, adventure, and getting to learn about ecology from a hands on approach.  The only thing that could be more exciting for these science students would be getting to wrestle a gator while they are there.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Where do you Stand?

I have never watched Duck Dynasty.  I don’t have a problem with the show it just does not interest me.  What I do find interesting is the response to Phil Robertson’s remarks.  There has been a double standard placed on Christians from every corner.  Christians can be called a host of names, can be demeaned, and persecuted by nonbelievers and it is okay.  There seems to be this understanding that you can say anything you desire about a Christian and they must simply sit back and take it.  Yet, if a Christian makes a statement about their faith that you do not agree with then it is a no holds bar dirty fight to the death.  When did this double standard begin?  Has it always existed?  Is it the media that has brought it to the fore front of our lives?

I have read the comments made by Mr. Robertson.  I have read comments from both sides of the argument.  Mr. Robertson did not choose the most elegant of words and phrases to express his thoughts, but they were his views.  I do not believe they were anti-gay, but anti-sin.  He paraphrases scripture saying, "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God.  Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

We can look at a few statements and see him discussing homosexuality and make it into an attack or we can look at the totality of his statements and see a man crudely discussing sin.  I did not ever see him judging those who are Homosexual.  I saw a man trying to understand why.  He even went so far as to say in the article, "We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job.  We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus — whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?"

He is not placing judgment on homosexuals he was stating that the Bible states it as a sin, and that he does not get why people are homosexual outside of the fact that it is a sin and, “sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:24-27)

The articles out there being written are not attacking Mr. Robertson, they are attacking Christianity and trying to paint it as ignorant and intolerant.  There are even some that are trying to twist the facts on what the Bible says.  Wilson Cruz, a spokesman for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said, “Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe.”  Well, I am a true Christian and I believe it is a sin.

I had a friend in High School who was gay, and I know people who are gay.  I do not like them any less.  Much like Mr. Robertson I don’t understand it, but I do not judge them.  Sin is in our nature and the Bible says all sin is equal in the eyes of God.  So, this Christmas season when I participate in Gluttony and over eat, or participate in Envy or Lust over something a friend has received, or Greed for wanting more, I will be no better than any other sinner.  We all sin, and it is not our place to judge, but it is our place to know what the Bible says and what we as “True Christians” believe.  We should not allow ourselves to be bullied and back down from our beliefs.  This being said in the future when discussing a topic of this nature be more careful of the word you use than Mr. Robertson.

By: Chris Gates

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

European Interterm Trip!

The joys of Interterm often involve a trek to an educational local where the learning process seeps into every head turn, step, and conversation.  This year there will be three groups adventuring beyond our campus walls to visit the outside world.  Today we will be looking at the first group and a trip to Europe.  They will be studying photography, music, and literature.

This team of seven students and one faculty member will make their way to Ireland.  They will spend 3 days touring the land and visiting C.S. Lewis’ home.  They will be learning about him, his writings, and his life.  It will be an exciting time exploring Ireland and the man, who brought us the Chronicles of Narnia and so much more.  It is said that much of Narnia’s description is taken from around the island, so it could be said the students are really visiting Narnia without the convenience of walking through a wardrobe.

The team will then cross the channel and arrive in Whales.  They will make their way to London and eventually Oxford spending a total of seven days.  They will see the amazing museums London has to offer and visit part of Oxford.  While in London they will also have the joy of getting to see Phantom of the Opera in the West End. This will prove to be an exciting leg of the journey.

The team will finally make their way to Paris. They will have two to three days to explore this amazing city.  The highlight of this portion of the trip will definitely be there time at the Louvre.  Many of us only read about or see pictures of the famous artworks contained in this building, but for these lucky students they will see the works first hand.  It will be a trip to remember.

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Day after Finals!

Twas the day after finals, and all through the halls
Not a student was stirring, nor climbing the walls.
The teachers were stuck grading papers with care,
In hopes that their break would soon be there.

The students were all safe at home or in route
While visions of joy, food, and sleep followed suit.

Congratulations to the students, faculty, and staff for making it through another busy semester!  Enjoy your break everyone and get some rest.  January will be here before we know it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Giving and Caring Heart!

I was blessed to sit down and talk with an 11 year old girl named Bethany this week.  Bethany is full of excitement, positivity, and a passion to serve and helps others.  At a time in life when most kids are concerned with typical holiday traditions and presents, Bethany has set a goal to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House.  Now for those of you who do not know, the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is an organization dedicated to helping families stay together while children are going through medical treatments.  They provide a place for families to stay so that children can heal faster and happier surrounded by love ones.  Their website states “we may not be able to make the medicine taste better or erase the pain of a much-needed treatment, we can help lessen the burden.”

Why is Bethany raising money for RMHC?  All of her life she has suffered from Asthma.  This battle has put her in the hospital several times and become an ordinary part of daily life.  Two years ago she raised just under $700 by collecting change at church, and sent it to National Jewish, a hospital in Denver.  Bethany through her struggles had become acquainted with National Jewish and wanted to give back and pay it forward.

Last year, Bethany found herself a patient at National Jewish during the holiday season and spent 18 days going through treatments.  She was able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House with some of her family during this process.  During her time there she was blessed by the services that RMHC provided and very grateful for their love and support.

This year, Bethany has a passion and glow about her as she sets out to give back and pay it forward for future families who will need the services of RMHC.  She has begun collecting money to send to RMHC to say thank you for what they do, and help out the many children who need their services yearly.  It is inspiring to see such joy and excitement radiate from her as she talks about this new endeavor and goal to surpass the $700 dollars she raised last time.  Bethany has set up multiple locations in the area to collect change; Moundridge Elementary School, Prairieland Partners in McPherson, and Modd's Sweets and Eats in Moundridge.

Bethany embodies the true Christmas Spirit.  She has a loving and giving heart with a desire to help others.  In less than a week she had already made it half way to her goal and is excited about the future.

Interested in hearing from Bethany herself tune in Thursday December 12th to 96.7 FM KBBE here in McPherson, KS at 12:30 or go to Midkansas Radio to listen online.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Come Over Here, God-With-Us

Has anyone else ever noticed this?

♫ O Come, O Come, Emmaaaaanuel... ♫

Hey. God-with-us. Come over here.

Do you see what I’m getting at?

Why are we asking God to come if He’s with us already?

Let’s break it down.

The basic message of this song is that God’s kids hope for and anticipate the second coming of Jesus.

The “O” in the song isn’t just us asking God for a favor. It represents the desperate need we have for Jesus in our lives; not just an add-on, and not even as just the center, but as the very drive and the baseline for everything we are.

I think most of us know by now that “Emmanuel” means “God with us.” That means He’s here, actively moving in our lives, at this very moment.

Every verse in that song that we mean when we sing it proves we recognize the power Jesus has to be a rescuer, protector, and SAVIOR. So we aren’t just asking Jesus to come. We’re asking Him to draw us even deeper into the freedom He won for us when He came to us the first time 2000 odd years ago.

In Matthew 28:20, Jesus says “You can be sure I’m with you always, till the end of time.” Hebrews 13:5 reminds us that God has said, “Never will I leave you nor forsake you.” And I hope we all know that when God says something, it’s not a cute little suggestion. It’s always a promise.

Let’s talk about prayer (I promise it ties into my point).
Prayer is about aligning ourselves with God’s kingdom, His will, His purposes, His character. It’s about being with God so we can be like Him so others will want to live for Him as well. Praying isn’t about calling God to “get down here!” It means we know that He knows that we know we have a great need for Him.

Having a relationship with a know-it-all is hard enough; having a relationship with Someone who literally knows everything, including what you want/need and what you’re going to say... That feels stupidly difficult sometimes. But we still acknowledge that God is the fulfillment of our needs/wants, and that He has the right to do whatever He wants because He’s God and we’re not.

So why do we sing “O come, God with us!” Because even though He is already with us, we know that everything in the world is not quite right yet. Things are still missing, and we feel the pull to search for whatever that is. So we wait and pray. We align ourselves with Him: “God, I believe You’re here, and I can’t wait until Jesus comes again! O Come, Emmanuel!”

He’s always here. He said He would be. The Coming Kingdom is being built right now, as you read this. It just doesn’t look like a castle or whatever. It’s every act God does through us, every moment we spend with him, and every change He makes in us that makes us more like Jesus that builds His Kingdom.

Don’t get all hung up on confusing things you come across when it comes to God stuff. It isn’t always either/or. Maybe God can be both/and too sometimes.

We wait for Him. And we have Him presently. God is with us. And He is yet to come.

Things like that are pretty hard to wrap our minds around. Good thing none of us are God.

BY: Ariana Matty

Monday, December 9, 2013

Curtains, Lights, and Microphones...Oh My!

Dear Alumni,

Blessings have been heaped upon Greer Auditorium and the departments that use the space this year by the generous Alumni.  Two years ago the Alumni worked together to raise funds for new curtains.  They raised an amazing amount and then after a year or so of curtain samples and color decisions, our new curtains were hung in May.

Last year, while we were making decisions about what curtains to get, the Alumni went to work again raising funds for new lighting equipment to help Greer shine.   They again blessed us with funds to acquire 30 new lighting instruments, which were hung in October.  Any who have attended recent production, events, or recitals will have noticed the wonderful changes taking place.

This brings me to our latest addition.  Two years ago during a spring production an Alumni approached us and asked about our microphones.  We have a set of 8 wireless microphones the Alumni helped raise money for about 8 years ago.  They are wonderful, but after several years there are repairs and fixes that need made, and this particular show had a couple of sound issues that happened.  We talked about it and the family made a donation to help us work towards repairs and ultimately the purchase of two new microphones, body packs, and receivers.  The following fall we added to this with another donation from the same family and a production whose proceeds went into this fund.

I am excited to say that we have purchased two new full microphone set and the November musical saw their first use.  All who attend commented on how great they all sounded.  Now, the student’s vocal talent was wonderful, but the microphones helped to showcase that talent.  We are very thankful to all Alumni who have donated and cared about what goes on in Greer Auditorium.  The students have been blessed and we have been blessed by your compassion and desire to see us thrive.

Thanks You and God Bless,

Central Christian College Fine Arts and Theatre

Friday, December 6, 2013

“Fear the Beard”

For the past two years, Gillespie Hall has participated in “No Shave November” or “Novem-beard” or, as we call it at Central Christian College, “Fear the Beard”. This is an event where the men in Gillespie do not shave their facial hair during the entire month of November. The guys in Gillespie made it a competition. The top winner is whoever can grow the best beard and the other prize goes to the person that grows the worst beard. This year’s winner of the best beard went to Aaron Hoover. Then, the person with the worst beard went to Dean Danner. Unfortunately, there were many contestants that couldn’t make it that evening or had to shave because of sports. This left the judges wondering what would have happened if everyone could have been there. The judges were Rusty Blanchard, Micah Metz, and Professor Mike Craig. Last year’s winner of the “Fear the Beard” competition was Stephen Craig. His judges were Micah Metz, Jacob Kaufman, and Ryan Mackey. All of the judges, both this year and last, are known for having a beard of their own. I think that the men will be looking forward to this competition next year and I can’t wait to see who wins.
By: Laura Smith

Monday, December 2, 2013

Play Auditions

            Little over a week ago Central's Theatre Department brought to you the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Those in attendance experienced a fun night of talent and good humor. During interterm Central will be performing two One Act shows, The Man of Destiny and Chamber Music. Then, in the Spring, students will begin work on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

            The Man of Destiny involves a battle of wits when one woman takes on Napoleon Bonaparte, Chamber Music follows a committee of eight historical women in an insane asylum, and Twelfth Night will be done in full Steam punk style.

            This week you, yes you Central student,  have the opportunity to audition for one of these or all three! On Monday December 2nd and Tuesday December 3th auditions will be held for the interterm and spring shows in Greer auditorium from 6-9 pm. If you have ever had any desire to try your hand at acting or to learn about the process of putting up a production, then come on out! If you are unable to make it to auditions but are still interested in being involved contact Chris Gates.
By: Andrea Ruiz

Friday, November 22, 2013

Youtube Contest

There is a popular thing called “Vines” circling around right now which is a video about ten seconds long. Typically, these videos are funny and completely random. Now, Central is going to have their try at this trend. The students are being encouraged to make their own videos that will be submitted for prizes. If a student wants to make their own individual video then it has to be ten seconds or less. The other option is to make the video with their dorm wing and that video can be up to thirty seconds in length. The videos have to remain appropriate and are encouraged to be funny. The theme for the video is supposed to be “Tigers are _____”. For example, “Tigers are exciting” then do a video about an exciting central student. The first prize for the individual video will be a $50 gift card and the second place video will get a $25 gift card. The winning wing video will get a pizza party for their wing. The videos have to be sent to the central administration email by December 5th. All the videos will be posted online and the students get to vote on the video they want to win. The Central students better start working on those videos if they want to win the prizes.

A link of your video must be sent to , please put in the subject line: Facebook Fall Contest- 2013. In the E-mail please make sure to include your name, phone number and E-mail, RA’s please include your dorm and wing name.
 After you send your video footage in, please go and check the clip board in the admissions office to make sure your entry was received.  We will be posting them all together where voting will take place.
Click here to watch our demo video!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Central Christian Receives Largest Ever Gift From 1937 Alum

McPherson, KS – November 18, 2013 – Today, Central Christian College received its largest-ever estate gift. Mrs. Lela (Hudson) Honkonen, a graduate of the Central College class of 1937 and resident of Batesville, Arkansas, passed away in April, three months after her 100th birthday, and Central Christian College received an estate gift of over $1,000,000.

 This gift illustrates the love that Mrs. Honkonen had for her experience at her alma mater and her desire to help future Central Christian students. In 2009, Lela’s sister, Altha Hudson, left an estate gift of over $800,000 to Central Christian College.

 The sisters’ Central experience began in 1935, during the throes of the Great Depression. They came to Central from Texas, at the urging of their brother, Ursi, who had attended a year earlier after learning about Central while on a harvest crew. The sisters put in many hours of hard work, primarily in the kitchen, to pay their school bill. Both graduated in 1937.

 The sisters returned to Central's campus for their 50th class reunion in 1987 where they learned of the opportunities available to create endowed scholarships to help students attend Central. Later that year, Lela and Altha established the Hudson Scholarship together and, after Lela married, they each established their own scholarships. Now, current students benefit from both the Lela Honkenen Scholarship and the Altha Hudson Scholarship.

 Lela and her husband, Hugo, were both retired employees of the federal government, with Lela working 43 years in Washington D.C. as a transportation specialist. She noted that she desired the estate processed to be used for tuition and books for deserving and financially challenged young students of her alma mater. 

 The estate gift will help fund the President’s Opportunity Grant Program, which was founded this summer and is designed to assist needy students who desire to work to help fund their education. Central Christian's President Hal Hoxie noted, “Lela valued her Central education and desired to help young people have the same opportunity. Connecting her gift to the President’s Opportunity Grant Program is a perfect fit, as Lela and her sister, Altha, worked their way through graduation at Central in the 1930s. Her gift will help support the endowment of the Program, enabling it to benefit students for many years.”

 Eight students are currently in the Presidential Opportunity Grant Program and Central Christian is planning to expand it to forty students in the fall of 2014. Central is actively seeking other donors to help fund the Program’s endowment and, eventually, the Program is designed to become a self-sustaining program. President Hoxie desires to help students graduate from college debt-free and the President’s Opportunity Grant is one of the ways to accomplish that mission.

 “We praise God for Lela’s life and for the blessing that has been realized as a result of her stewardship and this generous gift to her alma mater and future generations of Central students!"


Friday, November 15, 2013

Justice Week: Free2Walk

The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. - Psalm 33:5

Last chance to get involved!

Free2Walk 5K walk/run will start at 9:30am. The trail begins at CCC’s plaza, heads north toward Ave A, East at Ave A toward Wall Park, then finally circle back around to CCC. All the proceeds will go to the Set Free Movement.

Registration ends November 16th (tomorrow) and donations end on the 18th!

For more information, FAQ’s, or to register, go to this website:

Thanks to everyone who is doing their part to further the Kingdom of God!

BY: Ariana Matty

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Justice Week: Compassion International

Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - Isaiah 1:17

Samuel Orlando from Manasseh Ministries in Kansas City is coming to speak in chapel tomorrow. He’ll be sharing about what his ministry does to help victims of human trafficking and his personal journey through the Compassion International system and how he was kept out of child slavery because of his sponsored family.

No, for real. This guy was one of those scruffy kids from the Compassion International pictures you browse through and think, Too bad I don’t have enough money do anything about this.

Read a little bit of his story here:

Samuel Orlando was born in a very poor province of the Dominican Republic called Luperon, Puerto Plata. He had slim possibilities of gaining a decent education due to extreme poverty within the community. His parents were missionaries in Luperon where most children didn’t have the possibility of regular meals much less the resources to obtain an education. At 25, his father first heard of Compassion International, and he immediately started the process to launch this program in Luperon. He saw it as a blessing that would help his son and other children in the community to obtain an education; his father knew that education was one of the keys to overcoming poverty. Unfortunately Samuels’ father passed away, but the vision was planted and five years later his mother married another pastor and returned to Luperon to continue the work that was already begun there.

Thanks to Compassion, Samuel was one of the first children sponsored in that area. A humble family from North America planted a seed and provided him the opportunity to graduate from high school, receive a healthy breakfast, a clean uniform and school supplies, thus changing the course of his life forever. He was able to obtain an education, become a recording engineer, a musician, and a Christian singer. According to Samuel, “One of the greatest things is that now I am able to give to others a similar opportunity that was provided for me!”
Compassion International proves that you don't have to give hundreds of dollars to help someone, but their educational, physical, mental, social, and spiritual growth is worth every penny.

Check it out. I dare you:

BY: Ariana Matty

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Justice Week: Operation Christmas Child

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!  - Isaiah 30:18

Operation Christmas Child!!

If you’ve never heard of it, one of the main things Operation Christmas Child is known for is that it works worldwide to provide Christmas presents to children who can’t afford it. These presents aren’t just stupid toys and games though. Included are school supplies, hygiene items, small pieces of clothing and accessories, and even personal notes from the people packing the shoebox.

You can still pick up a shoebox from the Student Development Office until tomorrow. Donate items and money there too, before tomorrow.

Operation Christmas Child box-packing will commence at 7pm in the Tiger Den tomorrow!

BY: Ariana Matty

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Atheists jump on board with Megachurch Movement?

The megachurch movement has become so appealing that apparently Atheist have decided to get on board and begin creating their own.  You heard me right, a group of people opposed to organized religion are in a way creating their own organized religion.  The idea was the brainchild of British comedians Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans.  Jones grew up a Roman Catholic, but left the church later in life.  It was his return for a Christmas carol concert that sparked his passion.  Jones shared his thoughts in an interview with Gillian Flaccus entitled “Atheist ‘Meganchurches’ Crop UpAround The World.” Jones stated:

"There was so much about it that I loved, but it's a shame because at the heart of it, it's something I don't believe in," Jones said. "If you think about church, there's very little that's bad. It's singing awesome songs, hearing interesting talks, thinking about improving yourself and helping other people — and doing that in a community with wonderful relationships. What part of that is not to like?"

Jones in essence missed the camaraderie that he felt at church, the relationships, the positive messages, the singing, and the bonds.  He just did not miss God.  Jones and Evans began prepping to try to create this same church concept just minus God.  The “church” for lack of a better name is called Sunday Assembly.  They even have a motto- Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More.  They gather on Sunday mornings, they have meet and greets, they play get to know each other games, they sing positive songs (Lean on Me and Here Comes the Sun), there is a message, they share about community service projects, pass a collection, and retire for some refreshments.  It sounds like a normal morning at your local church really, but God is not invited.

These churches started in England and spread to Australia and America meeting in San Diego, Nashville, New York, and other larger cities.  They claim they are not trying to come down on believers or mock them in any way they just want a place to meet and express their common ideas and beliefs.

Flaccus article really was an interesting one and I suggest you follow the link above and read it for yourself, but I wanted to focus on another aspect.  It was the fact that many of the members seem to be disenfranchised Christians, who have left their faith and been stumbling around blind looking for something.  I feel like the message I am hearing is that the idea of the modern Christian church is wonderful, but that much like communism doesn’t work well except in theory.  People like the idea and want to belong, but just aren’t feeling the vibes.  So, they have begun to look for a better model or a different type of place where they can gather and feel love.  The funny thing to me is they are running from a church to a church.
The big problem is how do we address this in the church?  People are hurting and need the love and friendship that churches seem to be missing or unable to provide.  What does the church need to do or change to better minister to the lost?  Maybe there is no answer, but it feels like there has to be something we can do to meet these lost souls and share the love.  Just some thoughts… what are your thoughts?

Justice Week: Live58

To loose the chains of injustice... to set the oppressed free... to share your food with the hungry... to provide the poor wanderer with shelter... when you see the naked, to clothe them - Isaiah 58:6-7

Live58 is a lifestyle movement to end extreme poverty through authentic Christian living, giving people opportunity to put their faith into action and letting them see the direct impact they make. They made a movie about true events of the global Church taking action against extreme poverty and modern slavery. Come watch it with us at Starting@9 in the Mudhole.

The hope is that people will understand the connection between extreme poverty and modern day slavery. After the movie, we’ll discuss it and what we can do to help.

What is Live58?:

We have everything we need.

Will we do everything it takes?

BY: Ariana Matty

Monday, November 11, 2013

Beer and Hymns?

I recently discovered an article discussing a new movement in the church.  The article was posted on NPR’s site, written by John Burnett, and titled, To Stave Off Decline, Churches Attract New Members With Beer.”  Now the title is what caught my attention, because it obviously sounds a bit controversial; however, it was not so much the beer part that interested me, but the “stave off decline,” part.  I have never personally participated in drinking.  I do not have a problem with it, because the Bible clearly states that Jesus drank.  I have just personally never wanted to part take in this ritual, but have been around many people who do drink and consider them friends.

Now, the interesting part of this article dealt with churches doing outreach and trying to attract new members by offering night services with beer and in many instances actually meeting in “taprooms.”  They do not drink to get drunk and it was pointed out that in at least one of the meetings there was a two drink maximum.  They are gathering, eating, drinking, singing hymns, and worshiping.  Is this worship?  In History of Christianity class I was required to read a short book called Going to Church in the First Century.  It consisted of people meeting together, eating, drinking, sharing their problems, and then worshiping together.  By this definition people are worshiping.

The real question I have been wrestling with lately is what does modern outreach look like?  Are we going to the places where people really need the message of salvation or are we fishing from a pool of believers who are just continually looking for a new church?  I see this article and think is this brilliant or is this wrong, and how do people respond to this.  Well this is what Burnett wrote:

“Some patrons are understandably confused. They come in for a brew and there's a religious service going on in their bar. They expected Trivia Night and they get the Holy Eucharist.

"I tell 'em, it's a church service," says bartender Les Bennett, "And they're, like, 'In a pub?' And I'm, like, yeah. Some of 'em stick around for trivia, some of 'em take off, some of 'em will hang out and have another pint or two."

That's one of the objectives: A guy sits at the bar nursing a beer, he overhears the Gospel of Luke, he sees people line up to take bread and wine, he gets curious. Phil Heinze says pub church has now become an official — if edgy — Lutheran mission” (Burnett Blog)

Reading that section, makes me think that “Church-in-a-pub” has some real possibilities of reaching the lost and introducing many to the healing powers of Jesus.  The article list several locations of this happening.  The two many focuses for interviews and audio clips that the blog provides are from Oregon and Texas.  In reading through some of the comments though I found this to be widespread.  One person mentioned an orchestra tour they went on where almost every church visited had some form of this idea going on.  Another comment listed a group in Fargo that had started up.  It seems crazy, but Beer & Hymns is catching on and luring in younger crowds.  They socialize, drink, sing Hymns, and enter the presence of God.  I am left with an interesting image in my mind of the television series Cheers hosting a church service.  The theme songs hits upon the feeling of isolation that many of us feel from time to time and how there is a place you can go to get away from it all and everybody knows you.  Mixing that with the feeling we should get from church, but many do not anymore is an interesting concept I want to read more about.

What do you think of this concept?  Let us know drop in some comments and give us some feedback.

Justice Week: The Manasseh Project

Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right. - Psalm 106:3

You don't want to miss chapel on Tuesday!

Andy Soper is the Director of Mobilization at Mars Hill Bible Church and Founder and Coordinator at Manasseh Project - an outreach ministry designed to help men and women who are victims of sexual exploitation in West Michigan.

And he has a bunch of friggin sick tattoos.

Check out this news article I found on him! It’s basically his story about how and why he started getting so involved in helping end sex trafficking:

And in case you’re interested:

BY: Ariana Matty

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Justice Week: Set Free Movement

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully. - Proverbs 28:5

This upcoming Sunday, a Vespers abolition panel will be visiting and chatting with us at The Warehouse at 7:30pm. One of the panelists is our own Dr. Glenn Lorenz, who is currently working with the Set Free Movement and in the process of writing a dissertation on the theology of abolitionism. Another panelist is Professor Laura Vanderhoof from Tabor College, whose dissertation is about what the church’s response to human trafficking should be and what we can do about it. They’ve both prepared a presentation, after which will be a Q&A with everyone who attends.

BY: Ariana Matty

Friday, November 8, 2013

Justice Week Pre-Kick Off

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8

Justice Week is just around the corner! R:58, a student-led ministry team, is organizing a variety of events, speakers, and activities during this week. This week is dedicated to raise awareness and inform people of modern day slavery and give us opportunities to and ideas on how to help.

In a country where clicking and reading more than a one page online article seems to be a difficult accomplishment, I’m hoping some eyes and hearts will be opened and compassion will be stirred to not just watch youtube videos about the oppressed but do something to stop the oppression.

To pre-kick off, I’d like to share a little something I found on my own recently. Please take the time to watch it, share it, sign the petition, pray, and do these little things to help fight child sexual exploitation!

Watch the vid, get informed:

Sign the petition (it’s really not that hard!):

BY: Ariana Matty

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Piano Duet Team to Perform at Central Christian College

Christina Folkerts & Nicole Dyson-Smith will be performing modern piano duets at Central Christian College in Wesley Black Fine Arts building November 8th at 7:00 p.m.  Folkerts and Dyson-Smith are graduates of Wichita State University School of Music, and have presented lectures and recitals encompassing twentieth century techniques within music.  The performance will include musical works by Debussy, Poulenc, and Shapero, accompanied by visual artwork representing the corresponding style or mood of the musical work.  This event is free to the public.
By: Brett Janssen


Monday, November 4, 2013

Concert Choir at McPherson's Snow Ball

This Thursday, November 7, the Concert Choir will be singing at the annual Snowball Drop. This event will be held on the Plaza in downtown McPherson, and the choir will be singing leading up to the raffle. They will sing several children’s favorites beginning around 5:45, and the children’s raffle will follow around 6:10. The choir will then lead the attendees in some more traditional Christmas carols, which will be followed by the adult raffle. The choir welcomes the support of the CCC family, and we look forward to an enjoyable evening of celebrating the beginning of the Christmas season! Specific questions concerning the events of the Snowball Drop can be directed to the Chamber of Commerce.

Friday, November 1, 2013

"Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp." Psalm 147:7

November has begun and students have caught sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. Midterm has long since passed and we move to a new phase in the year. The stress of finals is just starting to creep into our thoughts as the campus begins preparation for the final stretch of the semester.

            Musicians, who have been practicing their instruments diligently since the school year began, are perfecting pieces for juries. A jury at Central Christian College involves being brought into a room to perform in front of a panel of judges where you could potentially be deemed unworthy of handling such an instrument.

            Before judgment day, however, students are generally required to sign up for a recital. The recitals give students an opportunity to experience performance in a more formal setting with an actual audience as well as a chance to prepare for the imminent jury. The recitals are open to all students taking lessons and will be held on November 7, 14, and December 5 at 4:00 in Greer Auditorium. In addition there will be a beginner's recital on November 21 that is open to any students in their first or second semester of an instrument. The beginner's recital will be held in the choir room at 4:00.

            The recitals are very entertaining, having a wide variety of styles and sometimes instruments included in a single performance. There are also varying levels of skill and experience among the students which often give's each individual performance an element of surprise as you may not always know what to expect from the performer. The school itself offers piano, guitar, bass, voice, and drums on a regular basis but also sets up lessons for students interested in other instruments. The recitals length depends on the amount of students signed up. Generally the earlier recitals are shorter while the later recitals run an hour to an hour and a half.

            We strongly encourage Central Christian College and the McPherson community to come out and support our musicians as they share their hard work and talent.
By: Andrea Ruiz

Thursday, October 31, 2013

New Book By CCC Students

Creative Writing - an interterm class headed up by Professor David Grubbs - has recently produced a digital publication. The authors include Central students John Buterbaugh, Christopher Cochrun, A.J. Ellis, Audra Howell, Libby Regier, and Matthew Tuszynski.

The purpose of the class was to demystify the process of writing poetry and prose. Each student contributed their chosen pieces to create the collection they called “Refine Print.” All the proceeds go to Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society.

Amazon description sneak peak:
Strange happenings, odd creatures, and everyday occurrences made significant. These subjects thread their way through this diverse selection of work. Each piece of prose and poetry came out of a Creative Writing course, which these authors used as an opportunity to refine their storytelling technique and prowess. The talented writers of Central Christian College of Kansas submitted their work to this anthology of fiction as a means of sharing the result of their efforts with an audience wider than those in their classroom or immediate social circle.

It’s only $2!
Here’s the link to buy the ebook:

BY: Ariana Matty

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Fun Thing To Do On Halloween!!

Ephesians 5:7-12
Don't participate in the things the people of the world do. For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it! Have nothing to do with the worthless deeds of darkness; rather, it’s your job to expose them.

You always go trick-or-treating. You always go to that fun little church get-together where the kids play all those games and collect candy like they’re storing up for the apocalypse. Why not do something different? Just this one time. Say, a prayer night in the Warehouse around 9pm?

Yeah, I know you may or may not be anticipating this conversation:

Your friend: “What did you do for Halloween?”

You: “Oh, you know, I went to a prayer meeting.”

Your friend: “...”

Look. As much as we like to pretend it is, Halloween isn’t just all fun and games. There’s a darker side that most people either neglect or celebrate in ignorance. All Saint’s Day (a.k.a. Halloween) used to be pretty cool (for reals, look it up). But like everything can get over time, look how much it’s been skewed. Death, demons, and fear are glorified and acceptable. This is the only day it’s okay for 8-year-olds dress up as witches, demons, pimps, prostitutes, and ax murders, and we can call it harmless. Christians are pretty ignorant about the witchcraft and demonic activity that runs rampant, much less on a day like October 31st. I don’t know about you, but I’m not giving Satan any more attention than he already gets.

I understand this is a pretty controversial topic, and don’t think for a second I’m even saying not to celebrate Halloween. If you got a plan to celebrate it in a way that glorifies God and not the things I listed earlier, go for it! Way to walk in the light as He is in the light. Way to be in the world, not of it.

All I’m saying is to remember that as Christ-followers, we do have an enemy, and as long as we live in this world, we will have to keep fighting him off. Good news is, even though we may have to fight battles at times, Jesus won the war for us already.

You. Warehouse. 9pm. Halloween.

Let’s kick those suckers back to hell.

BY: Ariana Matty