Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Justice Week: Live58

To loose the chains of injustice... to set the oppressed free... to share your food with the hungry... to provide the poor wanderer with shelter... when you see the naked, to clothe them - Isaiah 58:6-7

Live58 is a lifestyle movement to end extreme poverty through authentic Christian living, giving people opportunity to put their faith into action and letting them see the direct impact they make. They made a movie about true events of the global Church taking action against extreme poverty and modern slavery. Come watch it with us at Starting@9 in the Mudhole.

The hope is that people will understand the connection between extreme poverty and modern day slavery. After the movie, we’ll discuss it and what we can do to help.

What is Live58?: http://www.live58.org/about-live58

We have everything we need.

Will we do everything it takes?

BY: Ariana Matty

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