Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Atheists jump on board with Megachurch Movement?

The megachurch movement has become so appealing that apparently Atheist have decided to get on board and begin creating their own.  You heard me right, a group of people opposed to organized religion are in a way creating their own organized religion.  The idea was the brainchild of British comedians Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans.  Jones grew up a Roman Catholic, but left the church later in life.  It was his return for a Christmas carol concert that sparked his passion.  Jones shared his thoughts in an interview with Gillian Flaccus entitled “Atheist ‘Meganchurches’ Crop UpAround The World.” Jones stated:

"There was so much about it that I loved, but it's a shame because at the heart of it, it's something I don't believe in," Jones said. "If you think about church, there's very little that's bad. It's singing awesome songs, hearing interesting talks, thinking about improving yourself and helping other people — and doing that in a community with wonderful relationships. What part of that is not to like?"

Jones in essence missed the camaraderie that he felt at church, the relationships, the positive messages, the singing, and the bonds.  He just did not miss God.  Jones and Evans began prepping to try to create this same church concept just minus God.  The “church” for lack of a better name is called Sunday Assembly.  They even have a motto- Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More.  They gather on Sunday mornings, they have meet and greets, they play get to know each other games, they sing positive songs (Lean on Me and Here Comes the Sun), there is a message, they share about community service projects, pass a collection, and retire for some refreshments.  It sounds like a normal morning at your local church really, but God is not invited.

These churches started in England and spread to Australia and America meeting in San Diego, Nashville, New York, and other larger cities.  They claim they are not trying to come down on believers or mock them in any way they just want a place to meet and express their common ideas and beliefs.

Flaccus article really was an interesting one and I suggest you follow the link above and read it for yourself, but I wanted to focus on another aspect.  It was the fact that many of the members seem to be disenfranchised Christians, who have left their faith and been stumbling around blind looking for something.  I feel like the message I am hearing is that the idea of the modern Christian church is wonderful, but that much like communism doesn’t work well except in theory.  People like the idea and want to belong, but just aren’t feeling the vibes.  So, they have begun to look for a better model or a different type of place where they can gather and feel love.  The funny thing to me is they are running from a church to a church.
The big problem is how do we address this in the church?  People are hurting and need the love and friendship that churches seem to be missing or unable to provide.  What does the church need to do or change to better minister to the lost?  Maybe there is no answer, but it feels like there has to be something we can do to meet these lost souls and share the love.  Just some thoughts… what are your thoughts?

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