Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Minor Set Back for a Major Comeback

Head women’s basketball coach of Central Christian College, Chris Honeck is man that has had a major set-back and has come back stronger than ever. Last year, he went through a life threatening illness called, diabetic amytrophy, which is a neurological condition that affects the muscles in the legs. Through this illness, he went through losing feeling on the whole left side of his body. Then gained movement back through rehab and support from family, friends, and players and was able to start walking with a cane, which then moved to having full use of his limbs again. In the last week he had a doctor’s visit where he was told the news that he is in better health than he has ever been in the past 3 years of his life. His diabetes are stabilized, and he has lost 35 pounds in the last year which has caused him to feel better than ever. The way that he keeps his physical therapy in tact is playing golf which is not only requiring him to work all of his muscles but it is strengthening his core. The key component to a strong body, starts at the core. He has accepted the limitations that he did not have before, which has made him find strengths he never had before mentally and physical. The only thing that bothers him now is the residual pain in his legs from time to time.  
Going into the season this year, Honeck wants to stay true to his coaching philosophy which has not changed since first becoming coach of the women’s program. He wants to put more emphasis on the core beliefs which is what he believes will drive the team to be the best the team that he believe that Central Christian College has ever had with the women’s basketball program. Honeck believes that the team has more talent than ever in the past, chemistry is there that has never been present, and he stated, “even if we weren’t more talented, I think we would have a pretty good year just because of how close we are.” Internal expectations that both him and the assistant Coach Sarah Rhodes wants for the team is to walk away and say that this was the best time that they have ever had playing basketball. Both coaches also agree that no matter where the player was individually at the beginning of the season spiritually, that they grew with their relationship with God at the end of the season. External expectations that he has for the team is to play in February in Iowa at the conference tournament, and from assistant Coach Sarah Rhodes she would like the team “to be more than just good at basketball, but be an example to the community, and seen as classy young ladies.”
Honeck and Rhodes both want the team to not just be able for 40 minutes, but now have mental toughness, and team effort which will play into it meaning more than just a win for the ladies. It will carry over into real world outside of basketball which can be applied to life. They also want it to be where the women’s basketball team will be respected by other teams to know that win, lose, or draw there will be a fight and with the team he has this year, and the only thing that can hold them back are themselves. This team has faced many adversities in the past, but from the coaching staff, to the players, they all know that the come back from their set-backs has yet to come and they are patiently waiting for their time.

Article By: Olivia Richard

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