Monday, October 21, 2013

Home Court Practice!

Midterm has come and gone and as we push towards Christmas break, many of the fall sports are coming to a close. Many of the spring sports that to the untrained eye may have appeared to be in a dormant state through the fall have actually been much more active than we might have first guessed.

            The tennis team is one group of athletes that has been prepping for the upcoming season since the last one ended. Some of the players did some practicing on their own, as suggested by their head Coach Jeremy Nelson. Now, in the fall, practices have begun in earnest. Because of the nice weather, the team has been able to have regular practices out on the courts. They also do general things to stay in shape on their own such as running, stretching to prevent injury and P90X. As the winter sets in the team will spend more of their time indoors, particularly in the weight room.

            This year the school is excited to have former player, Kristen Reith as part of the coaching staff for the 19 people that make up the two teams. Kristen will primarily help with the women's team which is the smaller of the two. To add to the excitement, Central has welcomed several new students to the tennis team making for an almost entirely new team. This will create a new dynamic that will be interesting to watch come spring.
By Andrea Ruiz

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