Thursday, February 6, 2014

Payback's a...Lovely Thing!

Here at Central, we like to think that we’re helping students pave a way to their “dream job” as Patrick Masar puts it.  None of that worrying about salaries and paying back loans after graduation!  No!  After six years, Central is finally offering the “Central Certainty” to every member of an incoming class.  This means that Central will willingly, yes, you read correctly, pay back a student’s loans if they are not able.  Shocking, right?  But, what’s the catch?  Well, there are a couple of stipulations when it comes to an awesome deal like this one.  First, the student definitely must attend Central for four years straight.  We’re not paying for people to use and abuse us!  And, transferring back and forth?  That doesn’t count either.  Four straight years at Central are a requirement; if you do happen to leave, but end up coming back because you missed the lovely cafeteria food so much, Central will pay for the loans you rack up once you come crawling back from your perceived greener pastures.  Another restriction involves the graduated student keeping in contact with the Financial Aid office, letting them know that they are definitely not making more than $36,000 a year thus being eligible for this sweet bargain.  Obviously, this all gets much more complicated if a student marries, whether or not their spouse is a Centralian.  On a side note, though, we all know it’ll probably be a Central student, ring by spring and all that.

            One especially cool thing about this certainty is that Central is one of only eight schools out of the entire country that offers this to an entire undergrad population!  That’s right; we’re leading the nation with seven other pioneering colleges.  History in the making, people!  Not impressed yet?  Obviously, you’re of the generation that came and left Central a year or two or more late—like me.  Nonetheless, if you’re eligible for this arrangement, every three months after you’ve paid your loans, you’ll get a reimbursement check in the mail from yours truly or is it theirs truly…?  Anyhow, this is a great step forward for Central and its students.  I can’t wait to see what other money-saving plan reveals itself in the future; though, I know I will be bitterly disappointed as I pay my loans back, unassisted.  

By: Stephanie Harper

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