Monday, March 24, 2014

PBL is Alive and Flourishing

Dr. David Ferrell Chair
of the Business Department
Phi Beta Lambda is CCC’s very own business club boasting 17 official members and a host of others who attend the many functions the group offers.  In a recent interview with Micah Church and Professor Heath Whitehouse, I learned that over the last year the national membership numbers have dropped in the neighborhood of 2000 members, but our own CCC group has grown.  What is it that Dr. Ferrell and Mr. Whitehouse are doing to increase membership when the national memberships have been declining?  The answer lies in their excellent leadership and outward focus.

PBL is about finding ways to make a difference locally, regionally, and globally.  Our local PBL chapter has been developing projects that focus on these three areas and teaching students the power and influence they can have in the world if only they dare to get involved.

The first project, PBL has created what it calls externships, where students are paired up with community business leaders and given the opportunity to learn from them and their experiences.  They meet over coffee or in the workplace and discuss ways in which they can be successful as the look at entering the work force themselves.  This allows the student a mentor from the region and the ability to begin networking, but also allows the community we live in to get to know us and our students better.

For the second project, PBL is teaming up with the Set Free Movement.  Kevin Austin has spoken in Chapel about the problems of slavery in the world and has inspired PBL to take a proactive approach and get involved from a business standpoint.  They are investigating ways in which they can set up social enterprises to help set up safe houses or help get missionaries funding to help with the problem.

The third project is very local.  It benefits the students by providing on campus lectures and tours of local businesses to help the student learn more about the professional business world and see what some of the local businesses and like and things they are trying to get ahead.

PBL students have been working very hard lately, but not just on these service projects.  The students have been in many hours preparing for  the 63rd Kansas PBL State Leadership Conference.  Here they competed against the best from the state for a chance at Nationals this June.  Here are the colleges that were in attendance:  Butler; Central Christian, Colby, Cowley, Emporia State, Flint Hills Tech, Ft. Hays, KU, Labette, and Sterling.

Sixteen students entered in a variety of competitive events, both team and individual.  These are the events they placed in.   All students were expected to enter five events each.  Several of these events required work ahead of time including production tests, regular tests, resumes and cover letters.  The students who placed first or second are eligible to go to nationals in Nashville, TN this coming June.   Those going to nationals can compete in two events.  These are in order of events.  Also, as you can see from the variety of events, it is not just for business majors.

Accounting Analysis and Decision Making (team) – SECOND PLACE, Joanie Magallanes, Sydney Nelson and Tara Kemp
Accounting for Professions – THIRD PLACE – Joanie Magallanes
Accounting Principles – THIRD PLACE – Joanie Magallanes
Business Communications – THIRD PLACE – Caleb Chase
Business Decision Making (team) – FIRST PLACE – Brady Sherman, Micah Church, Stephanie Street; THIRD PLACE – Josh Black, Ray Anderson
Business Law – SECOND PLACE – Ray Anderson
Business Presentation (team) – FIRST PLACE  - Brady Sherman, James Dunlap, Micah Church
Business Sustainability (team) – FIRST PLACE – Drew Schiesser; SECOND PLACE – Josh Black, Ray Anderson
Contemporary Sports Issue – SECOND PLACE – Liz Caron
Cost Accounting – SECOND PLACE – Joanie Magallanes
Economic Analysis and Decision Making – FIRST PLACE – Drew Schiesser
Emerging Business Issues – FIRST PLACE – Drew Schiesser
Entrepreneurship Concepts – FIRST PLACE  - Tara Kemp; SECOND PLACE  - Brady Sherman
Financial Concepts – SECOND PLACE – Joanie Magallanes
Future Business Executive – FIRST PLACE – Brady Sherman; SECOND PLACE  - Micah Church
Help Desk – THIRD PLACE – James Dunlap
Hospitality Management (team) – FIRST PLACE – Amanda Curtis, Courtney Huff, Stevie Ellis
Human Resource Management (team) – THIRD PLACE – James Dunlap, Stephanie Street
Impromptu Speaking (SECOND PLACE) – Caleb Chase
International Business (THIRD PLACE) – Drew Schiesser
Job Interview (THIRD PLACE) – Stephanie Street
Management Analysis and Decision Making (team) – FIRST PLACE – Ray Anderson and Josh Black
Management Concepts – FIRST PLACE – Tara Kemp; THIRD PLACE – Amanda Curtis
Marketing Analysis and Decision Making (team) – FIRST PLACE – Liz Caron, Brady Sherman, Micah Church
Marketing Concepts – SECOND PLACE – Liz Caron
Microeconomics – THIRD PLACE –Stevie Ellis
Organizational Leadership and Behavior – THIRD PLACE – Liz Caron
Public Speaking – FIRST PLACE – Emily Ratsdakhom
Retail Management – THIRD PLACE – Micah Church
Sports Management and Marketing (team) – FIRST PLACE – Liz Caron; THIRD PLACE – Tara Kemp
Statistical Analysis – THIRD PLACE – Drew Schiesser
Professor Heath Whitehouse
Strategic Analysis and Decision Making (team) – FIRST PLACE – Caleb Chase and Stephanie Street

These students have worked hard to bring home 40 plus awards topping last year’s number and securing a spot for every student at nationals.  PBL has begun raising funds for this trip and are excited about the possibilities.  Please if you see them congratulate the students on a job well done, and congratulate the professors and their excellent leadership.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Prayer Walk Every Monday

Have you been hearing about an early Morning Prayer walk? Well, the rumors are false. Well kind of. Gillespie RD, Micah Metz has started a weekly prayer walk, but the walks take place every Monday at 8:00 PM, not AM.
     This weekly prayer is open to the entire campus. It is a multifaceted prayer for the school and one’s self. The idea is to take time every week to pray for the school and pray for you in particular. It is central focused on self and then worked out to the school. This isn’t a “God I need this” kind of prayer for yourself; it is a seeking of God to use you and help you to minister to others.
     There are four symbols that Micah has integrated into the prayer. The first is a cross for salvation. The second is a towel for being a servant. The third is a hammer for doing the work. The fourth is a globe for the idea of ministry, both here and to the world.
     If you are interested in joining or would like more information, you can ask Micah Metz or one of your RAs.
By: Caleb Voyles