Monday, March 10, 2014

Prayer Walk Every Monday

Have you been hearing about an early Morning Prayer walk? Well, the rumors are false. Well kind of. Gillespie RD, Micah Metz has started a weekly prayer walk, but the walks take place every Monday at 8:00 PM, not AM.
     This weekly prayer is open to the entire campus. It is a multifaceted prayer for the school and one’s self. The idea is to take time every week to pray for the school and pray for you in particular. It is central focused on self and then worked out to the school. This isn’t a “God I need this” kind of prayer for yourself; it is a seeking of God to use you and help you to minister to others.
     There are four symbols that Micah has integrated into the prayer. The first is a cross for salvation. The second is a towel for being a servant. The third is a hammer for doing the work. The fourth is a globe for the idea of ministry, both here and to the world.
     If you are interested in joining or would like more information, you can ask Micah Metz or one of your RAs.
By: Caleb Voyles

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