Sunday, April 6, 2014

Preach It!

As spring rounds the corner across central Kansas, Central Christian prepares for the yearly spring events. One of these prestigious events is the Chaney Bible Lecture.

                The Chaney Bible Lecture has been an opportunity for Central’s ministry students to get outside knowledge from professors, pastors, and leaders in the church. This year’s lecture will focus on the communication of preaching.

                “What we’re doing this year is a little different then what we’ve done in the past,” stated Dr. Glenn Lorenz. “We’re doing an all day event with the keynote in the front and the end and in between we’re doing workshops.”

                The keynote speaker will be Doug Nason of Fuller Theological Seminary who is a professor of communication in conjunction with the curriculum for ministry. The four workshop leaders then will be Rev. Joe Boyd of Aviator Church in Wichita, Professor Derek Brown of Barclay College, Dr. Chris Kettler of Friends University, and Dr. Wendell Loewen from Tabor College. Dr. Larry Anderson, a professor of theology at Central Christian, studied under the keynote at Fuller.

                “He was one of my preaching professors at Fuller Seminary back in the 80’s. We’ve just sort of stayed in touch all these years,” said Dr. Anderson.  “I thought he would be a wonderful person to bring on board to do the lectures. His area of expertise is preaching.”

                The event will be April 7th from 9:30 in the morning to 8:30 in the evening which is untypical from the past. It will take place in The Warehouse at Central. Ministry students are required to attend and it is geared toward them, but the event is open to the public and to other Central students. In fact, the event may be attended by students from surrounding colleges especially where some of the speakers are coming from.

Dr. Anderson reported, “You’ll be stimulated to think about how the gospel is communicated.”
By: Caleb Chase

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