Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Larry Dethroned

Central Christian College has started a new tradition of awarding a teacher with “The Teacher of The Year” award at the end of each academic year. The Teacher of the Year Award is given based upon votes from peers, faculty and students. The recent winner of the award is Dr. Robin Jackson. Dr. Jackson has worked 15 years at Central as an academics, mathematics and natural science instructor.
I asked Dr. Jackson how it felt to dethrone Larry Anderson as the second recipient of this award and she replied, “ I don’t think of it as a dethroning, but the joining of exemplary company.” She said that she was both stunned at receiving the award and appreciative of the vote of confidence from both her peers and her students. Dr. Jackson also expressed pleasure in receiving this award because teaching is her second job, for 20 years she was a professional analytical chemist and this award is a wonderful recognition that she is “on the right track” and the students are actually learning from her.
Dr. Jackson’s drive and passion is to live out her testimony to Christ and show that God’s Word and science “absolutely fit together.” She tells all her classes that chemistry and math are just a front for showing that God’s Word is literally true. I inquired what her advice to other teachers might be. Her enthusiastic reply was, “ Never be afraid to make your teaching hallmark that you will teach the truth of the Bible.” She said that in any subject the goal of teaching is to point to truth so in the end “there is only one subject and that subject is The Truth.”
Her favorite aspect of teaching is “helping students acquire the tools they need to teach themselves… a successful teacher is someone who has taught a student to no longer need them. You hope that spiritually and emotionally they still want you around, but they can think for themselves.” Central is honored to have Dr. Jackson as teacher of the year. We greatly anticipate what her reign will bring!
by: Kathryn Lott

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