Sunday, September 15, 2013

East Side Dorms Take Home the Victory

At the 2013 All-School Picnic Kline and Gillespie contain the winners. North Kline and Gillespie Second North took home the trophies by winning a variety of events. North Kline got first place in the dizzy bat race, three legged race, and the egg toss. Gillespie Second North won first in the tug of war and the egg toss which gave them enough points for their win. The dizzy bat race, three legged race, and tug of war are team events but the egg toss is won with pairs. For North Kline, Amanda Curtis and Shawna Hash were the final two. A second year resident of North Kline, Lauren Dinsmore, said “We worked really well together this year! We knew how important the egg toss would be and made sure that the pairs that played were pairs that would win”. Then, for Gillespie Second North, Dylan Neal and Spencer Balmer-Logan had to throw the egg nearly half way across the beach before they won. The Resident Assistant for Gillespie, Micah Church, says “He’s proud off all his guys on the way that they helped in different ways to make the win possible. It was great to have six seniors on the wing to finish the all school picnic with a victory”. All of the wings worked very hard and everyone seemed to have fun. This year’s All-School Picnic did what it was supposed to do and brought everyone together.
By Laura Smith

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