Thursday, September 26, 2013

See You At The Pole

Matthew 6:9-13
This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from the evil one.

    See You At The Pole is an annual, international gathering of Christian students at the flagpole of their school to pray.

Central students gathered around the flag pole in front of Science Hall yesterday morning (very, very early). We went through The Lord’s Prayer, dwelling on each verse, and applying them to specific needs in our lives as we met with God together.

We praised God for His goodness, sovereignty, sacrifice, power, and the revival we see sparking at this school. We prayed there would be less of us and more of Him, and welcomed Him to build His kingdom here (in spite of all our own little castles we try to build). We thanked Him that He not only provides for our physical daily bread but our spiritual bread as well, and asked Him to produce in us passionate desire to know Him more. We covered Kenya and Pakistan in prayer because of the tragedies taking place there. We repented for sinning against Him, and asked Him to help us forgive.

There may have been only a few of us, but it’s little groups like ours that prove God is all we need for victory. In Judges 7, the odds of Gideon and his 300 men winning the battle against the enemy were 450 to 1. As it turned out, that 300 against 135,000 was such a ridiculously crazy win, no one could possibly credit anyone BUT God. The more impossible a situation, the more elbow room God has to show off. And God always did favored the underdogs.

I see new sparks at Central Christian College.

The faithful few will rise again.
By: Ariana Matty

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